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Dear customers, Thank you for choosing and visiting our site. Please, before using our services, carefully read the terms of use, because the continued use of our site means acceptance of all the following provisions for personal use and at your own risk.
MATCH reserves the right to change / supplement these terms at any time, without prior notice, so we recommend occasional visits to these provisions, as they are binding on all users of the site. The online store is authorized in accordance with its operating policy and without prior publication, to modify the content of the general terms, sales range of products, retail prices and other data related to sales.
The prices of all products in our online store are expressed in denars including VAT. MATCH reserves the right to change prices, in accordance with company policy, without notifying customers. Price adjustment will not be made if the order is accepted. The buyer undertakes to pay the price offered at the time of execution of the order, regardless of the fact that the price may change in the meantime.

MATCH reserves the right to remove any product from this website at any time, or to remove and modify any material or content from it. While we will always do our best to process all orders, there may be exceptional circumstances that will force us to refuse order processing after we have sent the Order Receipt. We reserve the right to do so at any time.

In order to satisfy your needs and requirements, MATCH will strive for availability on its website 24 hours a day. In case of temporary unavailability or interruption of the website due to technical or external influences beyond the control of MATCH , we do not take any responsibility and do not guarantee permanent access.

The name `MATCH` is a trademark of MATCH and any kind of its use is prohibited without the prior written consent of MAKROVITA Bitola. Match reserves all rights arising from the trademark `MATCH`.

MATCH is the copyright holder of all content (text, visual and audio materials, databases, program code). Downloading information, data and images, their distribution, transmission or use of the link from the website of Match is prohibited. Unauthorized use of any segment of the site without the prior permission of the copyright owner is considered a copyright infringement and is subject to legal action.

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